

Anti-Corruption Experience in the EU Member States: What Can Armenia Learn? This was the topic of a youth political debate held at the Caucasus Institute on July 18, 2019. At the beginning, Gor Petrosyan, CI research fellow, presented Romania’s anti-corruption experience.

The participants were divided into four groups representing:
• Anti-corruption Commission
• Members of a legislature (the ruling party members)
• Parliamentary opposition
• Private sector

The first part of the event unfolded in two stages:
• First, one general question was asked, in response to which each of the debating teams delivered a speech. Then the teams proceeded with Q&A.
• The second stage was a quiz that was followed by the final presentations of the debating teams summarizing the debates.

The main question raised during the first stage of the second part of the event was: what is the fight against corruption?

The second stage, a quiz included but was not limited to the following questions:
– Is the fight against corrupt officials actually fight against corruption?
– Is there only financial corruption?
– Minor or major corruption? Which is more dangerous?
– Does democracy contribute to the fight against corruption?
After the debate, participants shared their impressions of the event.
The program is a joint initiative of the Caucasus Institute (Armenia) and Expert Forum (EFOR, Romania) supported by the Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation, a Project of The The German Marshall Fund of the United States.
Opinions expressed in the print brochure do not necessarily represent those of the Black Sea Trust or its partners.